This is incredibly timely as I left my very secure job of 15 years last week with no plan in place. The people and the practices just didn’t align with who I’m becoming, and I know I’m meant to be on a different path. Now the real work begins! Thank you for the validation.

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I too did the same this very day, for the same reasons and knowing I have more to give. I’ve been battling since the anxiety and fear and trust of myself and the universe. But this is the work right!!?! Your message was comforting. I hope all is going well

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Susan, so much congratulations to you for choosing yourself in that moment. It’s terrifying to take such a risk but so empowering at the same time! I know it’s fear inducing but trust yourself and the universe, the universe always says yes! For me the hard part has been getting clarity on next steps but I’ve been taking it slow, investing in myself in areas that I need to get me closer to what I feel pulled to, and now I just need to get the courage to take action. Why is that part so hard!?! Rooting for you!

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Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023

Wow. Message received. Thank you for speaking to me universe. Now if I could only get that "trust" part integrated in me. Fear is fucking strong AF with this one. I have choices in front of me. Do I leave the only consistent safety I've ever known (my job, steady money)? Wait! I keep forgetting, I AM the safety, not the job. Without me the job wouldn't exist. Gosh, "remembering" really is where the magic is.

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I’m on the edge about to leave a toxic FTE, with three consulting interviews this week. Your post was right on time.

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Thank you for this.

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023

I don't want to detract from the profound nature of this message with my thoughts, but felt invited to say this is a fucking poetic bit of writing, Mark. 🙏🏻 🤍

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Thank you. I needed this today. 🙏

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