A company or career that doesn't align is like a relationship that doesn't align.
Trying to force things that don't fit is often something we learn as children. Our wounding doesn't just limit us personally; it also shows up in our professional lives.
What I find to be helpful whenever faced with conundrums like this is to sit with what is trying to move through us. If we knew we were supported and could choose the thing that brings us most alive and restores self-trust and integrity, what would we do?
When we leap, we want to know there's a net. We want to know we can trust the feeling that is gnawing at our soul.
I think part of the work is that you don't get to know.
Call it faith. Call it trust.
What I do know is that when I leapt and finally left my very secure career, the Universe caught me.
And every leap, there it is, catching me.
Sometimes I forget the magic of the way the world works.
But as Ram Dass says, "Miracles are just a way of reminding us that we don't know how it works."
Leaping is the remembering.
This is incredibly timely as I left my very secure job of 15 years last week with no plan in place. The people and the practices just didn’t align with who I’m becoming, and I know I’m meant to be on a different path. Now the real work begins! Thank you for the validation.
Wow. Message received. Thank you for speaking to me universe. Now if I could only get that "trust" part integrated in me. Fear is fucking strong AF with this one. I have choices in front of me. Do I leave the only consistent safety I've ever known (my job, steady money)? Wait! I keep forgetting, I AM the safety, not the job. Without me the job wouldn't exist. Gosh, "remembering" really is where the magic is.