This is an incredibly powerful perspective on healing and self-liberation. Living within a trauma triangle keeps us cycling through roles that may feel familiar yet ultimately disempowering.

Recognizing that we don’t need closure from others to move forward is a transformative insight. It's about reclaiming our own power and choosing to heal for ourselves. Thank you, Mark.

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Thanks for your comment Vijaya!

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I needed this today.

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Love your work Mark and I have listened to your podcast for the last few years. I wholeheartedly agree and made the same realisation a while ago that my ‘story’ was a victim based one. Once we step out of that thinking and start defining ourselves differently we become more empowered. A lot of what I created was coming from that wounded lens. Now I aim to create from a place of contribution to the best of my ability. It’s a different energy to come from. We all of us have to take responsibility for ourselves ✨

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Hege - I can feel that energy in your writing -- one of creation! One of possibility!! Love it!

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Thank you so much Mark! ✨

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I resonate with this. Needed to hear this today! Thank you!

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Mark, it's so great to find you here on Substack. I used to follow you on IG and then deleted IG, so I haven't seen your writing in a while. Once again, you're saying what needs to be said. Thank you for sharing your voice and opening our minds. Bless you!

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You're welcome Hannad! So happy to have you here!!

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Great post Mark. I love reading your posts and I have learnt so much through your words of wisdom. Love your work. Thank you so much for giving me a lot of courage and strength to deal with a lot of stuck people around me and I seem to get involved with them and their forever painful stories.... I'm a compassionate person, but I don't want to be a people pleaser. I value my time and I don't want to waste it to the wrong people anymore.

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A beautiful moment to get to -- where your compassion ceases to be self-abandonment. :)

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Love you so much my friend and deeply proud of you and this new beginning. ❤️✨

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