Rejection comes in many forms… and yet despite its ability to be a chameleon, it has one common truth: God damnnnnn it hurts.
Even though we might be able to see the silver lining or “trust" in God’s plan, we still can’t pretend that when we get ghosted, left, dumped, or don’t get that job we wanted — that it doesn’t hurt like hell.
Whenever we’re in these types of lows in life, it’s important we learn how to hold on to many truths at once… like:
It sucks I got ghosted. I was really into them… and now I feel useless and discarded.
What kind of little sissy-ass bitch ghosts? Who the eff does that? It’s so rude! It’s so weak! I DODGED A BULLET!
It’s hard to trust that the doors of life that open or close are designed to perfectly direct us… and yet we spend years pining over the ones that aren’t for us… whether that’s people or work or whatever.
We spend so much time lamenting over a different life that we don’t get to be fully present to the one that is trying to live through us.
You think that person who lied and cheated was “the one”?
You think the person who dumped you four years ago was “your person”?
You think the person who doesn’t choose you back is “the one that got away”?
You think that job you didn’t get would’ve changed your life and you wouldn’t be suffering now in the ways you are?
All of these statements create suffering because you’re imagining a different reality that doesn’t exist… you’ve projected an alternate timeline where things are deliciously different… and you’ve done this so you don’t have to deal with what going on in your life right now. You don’t want to deal with the fact that you’re single, lonely, uncertain, or don’t have the job you thought you would.
But if you just stop… just for this moment… and you take pause…
Put your hand on your heart and repeat:
“I trust that roads and roadblocks of life that present themselves to me are inviting me to move in the direction of my highest good. The Universe doesn’t make mistakes, and where I am right now is perfect.”
That doesn’t mean you have to like where you are. It also doesn’t mean you need to bypass your feelings. BUT, what it does mean is that there’s a deeper trust below all of those feelings.
The mind strategizes. The heart feels. The soul knows.
There is a knowing of cosmic brilliance that is orchestrating all the experiences of your life… and what is it inviting you towards? HEALING. And getting into integrity with your values.
So let’s love on rejection a little more…
Rejection serves two very important spiritual purposes:
When something mediocre gets removed from your life, it’s because God/Spirit/The Universe believes you’re capable of MORE! Think about that… It believes in you! It removed a below-average or mediocre human/experience from your life so you could invite in what is exceptional… And for you to become that too.
Rejection serves to remind you that NOTHING outside of you, no circumstances or anything, will EVER determine your value. You are valuable. Full stop.
Now here’s the catch to that… you have to treat yourself as such.
You will never be truly free to create magic in your life if you don’t accept where you’re at, who you’ve been, what you’ve chosen, and what you’d like to create.
You will never be able to create magical love by pursuing people who are dishonest, lack integrity, and can’t have hard conversations. NEVER.
We can’t build a life in the direction of our dreams if we’re unwilling to acknowledge the starting point and the foundation we’re currently standing upon.
When you stop resisting what is, you allow. And when you’re in that state of allowing, that’s when the amazingness happens… because we get out of the way! So much of our pain and suffering comes from fighting against life instead of working with it.
You can create everything you desire. You can have the relationship you want.
You have to start by becoming the type of person who creates those things… and that person trusts the flow of life… even when they don’t like it.
And that person says “Peace out brussels sprout” to anyone who doesn’t match the future they’re creating.
So beautifully said. I’ve learned to see rejection as redirection — and in the instances when the rejection hurts more than I’d like to admit, I try to tune in and recall a time when a previous rejection felt like “the worst thing”, and how it led me to something different — a new connection, learning something new, or evolving past my previous behaviors. So if not this, then perhaps something better.
PS I particularly love this line “The mind strategizes. The heart feels. The soul knows.” ✨
quite inspiring. very well said