“When you use a method to find and open the gate with a love, you can’t get trapped in the method. The method has to die. It has to fall apart. So that you can realize that the opening was always there.” ~ Ram Dass
When we find love and joy through another, why does that become a trap? Why do we have to learn to let the method of how we found something, die?
Well, simply put, it’s so you can face the realization love was always there. Awareness was always there. The connection to the divine was always there. All of you, was always here.
(I dive deep into all of this in my solo episode this week on the podcast. Go here to listen.)
Years ago I had a friend tell me that he was more alive when he was in love. He told me he was funnier, brighter, dreamier, happier…. all the things. And to be honest, as I type this, this was how I often felt about what love brought into my life.
I hear the same reflections when people speak about what psychedelics bring them, what MDMA awakens in them, what ayahuasca sparks alive in them. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not shaming the method that wakes us up, nor saying that profound experiences can’t be had through different practices, what I’m saying is that if we depend on the method, we miss that it was just a doorway to what was always there.
So many of us chase things to feel things. We chase things to feel more. More _______ (whatever - insert your more).
But why not just create more? Why not just become more? Why not just be more?
When we think love is the access point to something we’ll seek love to get that thing. Not realizing that the object of our love was just the mirror to what was always within us.
When we think mushrooms are the way we feel more connected to the divine we depend on the mushroom to sit with God.
In one of Ram Dass’s lectures he shares what his guru said about his use of LSD:
“These medicines will allow you to come and visit Christ, but you can only stay two hours. Then you have to leave again. This is not the true samadhi. It’s better to become Christ than to visit him – but even the visit of a saint for a moment is useful.” Then he added, “But love is the most powerful medicine.”
“For love slowly transforms you into what the psychedelics only let you glimpse.”
This is a reminder for you as it is to me: Step fully into love. Step fully into your life. Step fully into your potential.
Sometimes accepting all the truths that come with being aware and awake to our reality can feel like too much. The responsibility of truth can feel overwhelming if the choices we face having to make mean possibly hurting others and/or being criticized and potentially not loved by other. However, knowing something is blocking our potential, like a behaviour that’s getting in the way of being in alignment with our values and integrity, and not doing anything about it, is abandoning ourselves. It is blocking our access point to intuition, knowing, and the divine. You can’t feel connected to oneness if you yourself are split.
And true love requires that you step into your wholeness. One of my most popular courses is on how to do just that.
If you’d like to hear me chat more about Falling In Love With The Method check out this week’s podcast episode. Be sure to subscribe to the pod so you don’t miss the juiciness that comes out at least once per week!
Much love,
Felt that earlier yesterday at the start of Monday thinking "Why am I chasing 'more'?" Maybe it's "how can I sink into more of my infinite abundance, creativity and love?" Thanks Mark!